Which Love Live Girl loves you in a Yandere way. Yandere Simulator APK for Android is a game that simulates the day-to-day school life of a young student on her journey to win a classmate's heart. Yandere Simulator APK - Download v0.3 high school on Android.
In 1980s mode, all ten rivals are students. Eight of these students with the addition of one teacher and one nurse are rivals, and nine of them will not appear during Week 1 for various reasons. Including Ayano Aishi or Ryoba Aishi in the 1980s Mode, there are 89 students who attend class at Akademi.
Students are NPCs that attend Akademi High School, the main setting of Yandere Simulator. persona-nsfw-imagines persona persona 3 persona 4 persona 5 shin megami tensei followers requests asks thank you imagines headcanons. Give me three characters from Persona 3, 4, or 5 (feel free to mix and match) and I'll give my response! These will be easy to sprinkle in between longer posts. They don't reflect the room, like the one in the Light Music Club does. The mirrors are rectangular and have no frame. As of the March 6th, 2018 Build, there are also mirrors in each bathroom. The mirror is a small square mirror hung in the Light Music Club room. The mirror is an object that allows the player to change Ayano Aishi's outer persona. Goes to rooftop and reads manga till class time. His current design though, has messy, long, brown hair with dark brown eyes and an eye patch on his right eye. WIP In his first design, he had a brown version of Riku's hair with a ghoul-like red eye he also had a lot more designs after that.
Haruko Shinozaki is an OC of Jlmc12345678910. Our designers and engineers work directly with pro gaming athletes of all genres to understand the demands of all types of pro gaming. Logitech G is a global leader in esports and the gaming gear of choice for pro players all over the world. AlexTheTech's Golden Rule of JSON Modding: Copy-paste your JSON file, rename copy to "JSON Type - Backup" and in case something goes wrong, rename the bugged JSON file to "JSON Type - Bugged" and copy-paste the backup to bugged version's previous name and try. Ty-dere's Golden Rule of JSON Modding: Use your backups, NOT your Students.JSON in the Yandere Simulator's StreamingAssets folder. See more ideas about persona 4, persona, persona 5. Explore Voltage Kid's board "Persona 4" on Pinterest.