Total War: Rome II – Desert Kingdoms and the new woman leaders will be available on March 8. The new female leaders include Illyrian queen regent Teuta, and, of course, the legendary Cleopatra. You’ll even be able to set up politically advantageous marriages between faction leaders. Special events that explore the trials and tribulations powerful women faced in the ancient world have also been added. Interestingly, Creative Assembly will also be adding a roster of new female leaders and generals to all Total War: Rome II campaigns and factions.

Surviving these harsh environmental conditions has forged them into hardy warriors who use the shifting desert sands to their advantage in battle. These factions are native to the deserts of Africa and Arabia. The kingdoms of Kush, Saba and Nabatea fall under the African/Arabian subculture, while the Masaesyli are of Numidian origin. “The Desert Kingdoms Culture Pack four new playable factions.